Alpine Tundra Animals List

Life in the Polar E.
Alpine tundra animals list. Animals found in the tundra include the musk ox the arctic hare the polar bear the arctic fox the caribou and the snowy owl. The Mountain goat is also a Alpine Tundra animal. Mountain goats are born with special padding to cushion their hooves.
They are-Producers-Producer consumers-Consumers Here is a list of the many organisms of this biome-Producers tundra Grass moss alpine phacelia misc. Organisms of the northern alpine tundra probably evolved before those of the Arctic tundra appearing first in the Mongolo-Tibetan Plateau. Arctic tundra animals names.
Other Alpine carnivores include arctic wolves birds of prey such as the peregrine falcon and wolverines. Animals found in the tundra include snowy owls polar bears caribou arctic foxes arctic hares etc. Dalls sheep Ovis dalli moose Alces alces chamois Rupicapra mountain sheep Ovis canadensis ibex Capra and North American elk Cervus canadensis.
Some alpine animals include the mountain goat North America the llama and alpaca South America the chinchilla South America the Alpine Ibex the Chinese Mountain Cat China cougar North and South America the Alpine Stream Salamander China yak Tibet and various rodents and birds including the Golden Eagle. Located to the south of the arctic tundra are the boreal forests or taiga. Alpine animals include the cougar.
Few alpine animals however contributed directly to the evolution of Arctic tundra species because physical barriers prevented the migration of species and because alpine and Arctic animals were specialized to. Here is an example of a carnivorehigher trophic level organism in the Alpine Tundra. They are herbivores so in alpine tundras they can find grass sedge herbs shrubs ferns mosses and lichen to eat.
Arctic tundra animals list. Arctic Tundra Plants with Names arctic tundra zone image. The carnivores that inhabit the tundra include the grizzly bear the polar bear and the artic fox.