Cats Bus Schedule Changes

Get the schedules fare information and more for each of CATs fixed route services.
Cats bus schedule changes. Route 261 Geneva Will operate normally but WILL NOT operate between the hours of 130pm-330pm. CAT is currently operating on an Extended Lifeline Service Schedule Effective September 4 2021. Search the CATS bus routes schedules in the City of Charlotte.
2020 Policy Changes No Strand Policy - Starts Feb. ExpandCollapse Route Schedule Changes 8 RSS. - Mall of Louisiana.
57 bus time schedule overview for the upcoming week. 016 - Capitol Park Shuttle. 008 - Gus Young BRCC.
CATA buses and facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. ECAT buses will not operate Friday Dec. UNCHuntersville An additional trip will be added to the evening PM weekday schedule for.
The Cedar Area Transportation CATS Department has offered public transportation since March 2003. Download our complete Riders Guide PDF for. 018 - Cortana Transit Center Tigerland.
Dial-A-Ride paratransit vans for the elderly 65 and over and the disabled. The CAT bus system is made up of 32 routes serving Dauphin County Cumberland County and the city of Harrisburg. 615 AM - 800 AM.