Herding Cats Video Eds

An information technologies company called EDS launched their award-winning commercial on herding cats during the Super Bowl in 2000.
Herding cats video eds. Electronic Data Systems marketing chief Don Uzzi and Publicis Groupes Fallon Worldwide try to recapture the magic of their popular smash Cat Herders from the 2000 Super Bowl though sequels are. It didnt start on the internet but its there now and you can see it here if you need to refresh your. It would be shot in the style of a John Ford western big sky big country stirring musical score but it would feature rugged cowboys herding 10000 house cats.
One cant help but be reminded of another Super Bowl classic the famous herding cats ad from EDS that appeared in Super Bowl XXXIV in. In 2000 EDS launched a new logo with an award-winning Super Bowl commercial about herding cats. In 2001 the large system integrator company eds made a very funny commercial which showed a group of cowboys herding cats.
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EDS was established in 1962 bought by General Motors in 1984 spun off. So started Herding Cats for Electronic Data Systems. Reproducing Dogs Mating 2013.
From the cowboy taking a lint roller to his jacket to the aerial special effects shot of hundreds of cats fording a river. Cat Herders was a Superbowl 2000 commercial for miscellaneous-corporate-services company EDS part of a trilogy including Running With. Km is like herding cats.
We ride herd on complexity. In this funny commercial a group of cowboys can be seen herding thousands of cats over the montana praire. A Look Back at EDS.