Lyrics Animals.lyrics Maroon 5

Top Lyrics of 2010.
Lyrics animals.lyrics maroon 5. So what you trying to do to me. Baby Im preying on you tonight Hunt you down eat you alive Just like animals animals like animals Maybe you think that you can hide I can smell your scent for. This post is about Animals Song LyricsThis Song is written Composed Produced by Shellback.
Complete the lyrics by typing the missing words or selecting the right option. The song written by Adam Levine Benny Blanco and Shellback. Video clip and lyrics Animals by Maroon 5.
The latter is also the producer. Baby Im preying on you tonight Hunt you down eat you alive Just like animals Animals Like animals-mals. Browse for Maroon 5 Animal song lyrics by entered search phrase.
Maroon 5 Animal lyrics. Hunt you down eat you alive. The song is a reply to Robin Thickes song Blurred Lines.
This interpretation has been marked as poor. V 2014 Baby Im preying on you tonight. The video will stop till all the gaps in the line are filled in.
Animals Lyrics by Maroon 5. Baby Im preying on you tonight Hunt you down eat you alive Just like animals animals like animals-mals Maybe you think that you can hide I can smell your scent from. Bridget from Co My friend and I agree that Maroon 5 uses women as objects too much especially because of this song.