Small Wild Cats List

African golden cat Profelis aurata Asian golden cat Catopuma temminckil Asian leopard cat Prionailurus bengalensis Black footed cat Felis nigripes Borneo bay cat Pardofelis badia Borneo clouded leopard Borneocat Neofelis diardi.
Small wild cats list. Pallas cat is a small wild cat that lives in the grasslands and steppes of Central Asia. African Golden Cat Andean Mountain Cat Asian Golden Cat Bornean Bay Cat Black-footed Cat Bobcat Canada Lynx Caracal Chinese Desert Cat Eurasian Lynx Fishing Cat Flat-headed Cat Geoffroys Cat Iberian Lynx Jaguarundi Jungle Cat Kodkod Guina Leopard Cat subspecies. These cats have average weight of around 245 kg.
The Leopardus guigna is the smallest species of wild cat living in the Americas. The former group includes the jaguar and the cougar while the latter includes the ocelot the Canadian lynx the bobcat and the jaguarundi. So technically the Toyger cat is not a hybrid with a wildcat except that which comes from the Bengal.
In Chile they share the range with the Geoffroys cat hence are found less. The six small wild cats in this lineage are all closely related and distributed in africa and eurasia. The term small cats may also refer more narrowly to the members of the genus Felis.
Several types of wild cat are found in canada. They are found in the moist temperate forests of the Andean and Coastal ranges. These cats are also known as small-spotted cats and is the smallest African cat.
A rare small wild species that are outnumbered by other wild cats on its native island of Borneo which is divided into Malaysia Brunei and IndonesiaWith the remains of one first mistaken for those of an Asian golden cat but actually much smaller in size it was determined that both had a common ancestor that diverged for 49 to 53 million years way before. The margay is among the many small spotted cats of Central and South America but this nocturnal hunter has a clever ability that hasnt yet been seen in any of its neighbors. In reality there are a few small cat species that most people dont even know exist that make.
Male jaguars in Venezuela are almost twice the weight of those in Belize 104 kg to 56 kg. The bobcat puma also known as the mountain lion or cougar canada lynx. Felidae is the scientific name of the biological family whose most familiar member is the domestic cat.