Warrior Cats Wiki Bluestar

This page contains the detailed history for Bluestar.
Warrior cats wiki bluestar. Swiftbreeze brags to the other queens that her kits opened their eyes right after they were born making them true warriors. Bluestar is a blue gray she-cat with thick long fur a broad face silver hair tinged around her muzzle and tail a torn ear broad shoulders a scar which parts the fur across her shoulders a long sleek tail and piercing round icy-blue eyes. 78 moons 65 years at time of death Kit-Bluekit Apprentice-Bluepaw Warrior-Bluefur Queen-Bluefur Deputy-Bluefur Leader-Bluestar Mate-Oakheart Son.
In the book A Dangerous Path. ProlougeBluekit stared into the distance of the forest where the cats once roamed freeI miss when we didnt have BloodBluekit realized--she was 5 and a half moonsI am close to becoming an app I just gotta wait for the gathering. The ThunderClan medicine cat Spottedleaf appears next to her and Bluestar asks how the cats from the battle at Sunningrocks are doing to which Spottedleaf replies that they will all recover.
1 History 11 In the Super Edition Series. Crookedpaw first sees Bluepaw at a Gathering where they begin a friendly conversation but. Warrior Cats Fandom Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community.
Bluekit is born to Moonflower and Stormtail along with her sister Snowkit. Bluestar was the one who let the formerly kittypet Rusty into her clan and changed his name to Fireheart. Bluestar is the current leader of ShadowClan.
Tigerclaw is not one of thunderclan. Bluestar is caring trusting and loyal. She was apprenticed early to the warrior Stonepelt.
Bluestar was a noble courageous and intelligent leader charged by the love and respect she had for her Clan. Bluestar is a blue-gray she-cat with ice-blue eyes. She has a long scar rippled down her shoulder.